Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves of the body, particularly those of the spine. Treatment is designed to improve the function of the joints, relieving pain and muscle spasm. Chiropractic does not involve the use of any drugs or surgery. Your First Visit - What to ExpectWhen you attend your first appointment you will be asked to fill out a confidential new patient information form. This asks for details including your name, address and date of birth. It also asks about your medical and family history, accidents, operations, illnesses and current medication. This gives the chiropractor a good idea of your general state of health. If you are covered by a health insurance policy and intend to claim for your treatment, please ensure that you provide us with the details at the time of your first visit. Some policies require you to have consulted a GP prior to authorisation. However, you do not normally need a GP referral to consult a chiropractor. The chiropractor will then discuss the questionnaire you have completed and ask questions regarding your back pain or other problem your require help with. They will then undertake a full physical, orthopaedic and neurologic examination. It may also include a health assessment to check things like your blood pressure. The chiropractor will then explain what is causing your problem and their recommendations about how it can be treated. This advice includes things that you can do for yourself such as specific stretches. Your chiropractor may feel that x-rays are clinically indicated. These can usually be arranged in a couple of days and the chiropractor can take you through their findings within the same week. 
TreatmentTreatment can usually be offered at your first visit if your problem is straightforward, no x-rays are required and you are happy to proceed. Treatment is aimed to be as gentle as possible whilst helping restore normal function to your joints and muscles. We use a variety of techniques including: - Manipulation
- Mobilisation
- Dry needling
- Soft tissue work (e.g massage / trigger point therapy)
- Stretches
- Rehabilitation
- Advice